Thursday, January 4, 2018

Recipe Ice Orange Coconut Indonesia

Recipe Ice Orange Coconut Indonesia

Ice orange coconut is rich in vitamin C because this vitamin is contained in citrus fruits. Choose oranges that taste sweet so this drink taste more fresh and is not sour on when drunk. So is taste greater orange ice is added with young coconut which shaved slices of aloe vera. This drink can be throat lozenges in a moment of heat. Here's the recipe of the drink.

Recipe Ice Orange Coconut

Preparation time
3 minutes
Cooking time
15 minutes
The total time
18 minutes


  • 5 sweet citrus fruit, take the water
  • 150 grams of coconut young, shaved
  • 150 grams of aloe vera, peeled, take the meat, slice and dice, wash, and drain
  • 250 ml coconut water
  • 5 tbsp molasses vanilla
  • 5 tbsp syrup orange
  • 500 grams of shaved ice

How to make

  • Mix the lemon juice, coconut water, and syrup vanilla so one.
  • Put it down and stacking coconut and aloe vera in a glass or serving bowl. Pour the orange water coconut, give the shaved ice and syrup of orange.
  • Serve immediately.

So the recipe ice orange coconut this looks more interesting, you can add with the basil. This drink can also be served warm. All depends with your taste, respectively. Please try the recipe on this one!